New online training programme on research ethics: TRREE
Published on 21 September 2009
TRREE-for Africa is a web-based training and capacity building initiative on the ethics of research involving humans conducted in African countries. It is very comprehensive, free, and easy to use for all those involved in clinical trials in Africa at all levels (researchers, ethics committees, institutions, research participants, regulators). Since its launch in June 2009, 390 persons from more than 36 countries have registered and the number is growing.
The training programme
The e-Learning component of the TRREE website ( provides a basic online free access training programme on biomedical research ethics and regulation, available in three languages (English, French and German). The training consists of three modules:
* Module 1 is an introductory module that presents the basics of research ethics evaluation and the broader context of research ethics
* Module 2 focuses on the training needs of members of Research Ethics Committees (RECs) and any support function
* Module 3 presents a comprehensive overview of the relevant norms and regulations on a country-by-country basis for Mali (French only), Cameroon (French & English), Tanzania (English only), Switzerland (French and German). The number of countries is expected to expand in the coming years.
Online resources
The e-Resources component is a participatory website making available international, regional and national regulatory and policy resources. It provides indexes and a quick search option to give access to relevant guidelines, databases, courses etc.
The TRREE Consortium
TRREE stands for Training and Resources in Research Ethics Evaluation, is a consortium of partners from Cameroon, Canada, Germany, Mali, Nigeria, South Africa, Switzerland and Tanzania working together for the promotion of high-quality research and the protection of research participants in Africa.
Visit the TRREE website on